ronzigler: Eastern Amberwing IMG_4001
ronzigler: Blue Dasher IMG_3988
ronzigler: Damselfly IMG_3969
ronzigler: Damselfly IMG_3967
ronzigler: Peck's Skipper (?) IMG_3906
ronzigler: Hummingbird hawk-moth IMG_3799
ronzigler: Cabbage White Butterfly IMG_3798
ronzigler: Hummingbird hawk-moth IMG_3430
ronzigler: Hummingbird hawk-moth IMG_3420
ronzigler: Hummingbird hawk-moth IMG_3409
ronzigler: Monarch Butterfly IMG_3284
ronzigler: Calico pennant dragonfly IMG_2713
ronzigler: Calico pennant dragonfly IMG_2699
ronzigler: Caterpillar of a "Mourning Cloak" Butterfly (Nymphalis antiopa) IMG_1677
ronzigler: Monarch Butterfly IMG_5302
ronzigler: Monarch Butterflies mating IMG_5297
ronzigler: Blue Dasher IMG_4477
ronzigler: Blue Dasher IMG_4429
ronzigler: Long-legged Fly IMG_4388, one of 40 different species. Need an expert for specific ID.
ronzigler: Long-legged Fly IMG_4387
ronzigler: "Skipper" Butterfly IMG_4353
ronzigler: a type of Long-legged Fly IMG_4303
ronzigler: Hawkmoth IMG_4124.jpg
ronzigler: Tiger Swallowtail IMG_3903
ronzigler: Tiger Swallowtail IMG_3876
ronzigler: One hardy spider IMG_8832
ronzigler: Orb Weaver Spider in its comfort zone. IMG
ronzigler: Orb Weaver Spider IMG_7697
ronzigler: Fred's Spider (probably a Wolf Spider) IMG_6548
ronzigler: Tiger Swallowtail on Thistle