ronaldo.s [ -off - ]:
By seas never before sailed....
ronaldo.s [ -off - ]:
Lady in blue and her dog - Dedicated to Izakigur, an open-hearted and gentle friend and a master in photography
ronaldo.s [ -off - ]:
The winter fogs are almost over...
ronaldo.s [ -off - ]:
Fantasy and reality .......not much true...not much false...
ronaldo.s [ -off - ]:
Moonlit fantasy
ronaldo.s [ -off - ]:
ronaldo.s [ -off - ]:
Keep walking*. Even on a golden path there would be dirt, toil, stones and thunderstorms ahead of you, keep walking, keep crossing through them.
ronaldo.s [ -off - ]:
Wish I could go away in a ride too, forever......
ronaldo.s [ -off - ]:
I've got the all by myself ...
ronaldo.s [ -off - ]:
Before the rain.....
ronaldo.s [ -off - ]:
The times they are a-changin'....