Kamoteus (Color my World): my other side... all in black and white!
Kamoteus (Color my World): the beauty on the other side...
Kamoteus (Color my World): mirror reflection in black and white...
Kamoteus (Color my World): take me back to the boat on the river...
Kamoteus (Color my World): walk by faith...
Kamoteus (Color my World): there will be a day... no more tears, no more pains, and no more fears...
Kamoteus (Color my World): would you take the place of this MAN...
Kamoteus (Color my World): infinite beauty...
Kamoteus (Color my World): line to heaven... have a blessed week ahead!
Kamoteus (Color my World): bawat bata... every child!
Kamoteus (Color my World): i will lift my eyes...