ron07036: bush / bin laden grafitti
ron07036: são paulo airport
ron07036: são paulo airport
ron07036: night club
ron07036: sand sculpture
ron07036: this is a great place to be a dog
ron07036: must have been a rough night
ron07036: this guy is pretty quiet
ron07036: copabana beach
ron07036: can you hear me now?
ron07036: sweeping the sand from the sidewalk
ron07036: beach singer annoying the tourists
ron07036: tell them!
ron07036: favela on the hill
ron07036: favela on the hill, with traffic tunnel underneath it
ron07036: tee-shirt vendor
ron07036: ball control
ron07036: soccer player at the ipanema hippie fair
ron07036: this guy has skills
ron07036: ironic painting at the hippie fair - "brasil, um pais de todos"
ron07036: paintings at the hippie fair
ron07036: copa do mundo (world cup soccer) banner
ron07036: entrance to favela
ron07036: copacabana, pão de açúcar (sugarloaf) mountain
ron07036: cristo redentor atop corcovado
ron07036: niteroi bridge in background
ron07036: botafogo bay
ron07036: pão de açúcar cable car
ron07036: pão de açúcar
ron07036: coconut delivery