social renegade: Piazza Navona
social renegade: Caffe' Domiziano
social renegade: Angelo at Caffe' Domiziano -
social renegade: Angelo and the gang working on the movie set
social renegade: outside Caffe' Domiziano
social renegade: Richard Richardson
social renegade: All the piazza for Julia
social renegade: Sound and effects
social renegade: all the piazza for Julia Roberts
social renegade: Ryan Murphy
social renegade: Richards Richardson and Ryan Murphy
social renegade: Caffe' Domiziano
social renegade: Piazza Navona
social renegade: Julia and Ryan
social renegade: Julia and Ryan talking about the film
social renegade: Julia and Ryan talking about the film
social renegade: Ryan Murphy
social renegade: Julia Roberts on stage
social renegade: Julia Robets on stage
social renegade: Julia Roberts and Ryan Murphy
social renegade: Julia Roberts and Body Guard
social renegade: Inside Caffe' Domiziano"
social renegade: Inside "Caffe' Domiziano"
social renegade: Julia Roberts on the set of her latest film