RomanK Photography: Mother Nature
RomanK Photography: Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. Victor Hugo
RomanK Photography: Sun and Ice
RomanK Photography: The Other Side
RomanK Photography: verrazano bridge
RomanK Photography: City in the distance
RomanK Photography: City of our dreams
RomanK Photography: Coney Island Panorama
RomanK Photography: Walking on memorial Pier
RomanK Photography: Life is a bridge. Cross over it, but build no house on it.
RomanK Photography: We build too many walls and not enough bridges.- Isaac Newton
RomanK Photography: There is no black-and-white situation. It's all part of life. Highs, lows, middles. - Van Morrison
RomanK Photography: Brooklyn Harmony
RomanK Photography: Keep Looking forward
RomanK Photography: George Washington Bridge
RomanK Photography: Hope is the only bee that makes honey without flowers - Robert Green Ingersoll
RomanK Photography: The world is big in some ways, and so small in others ― Ashly Lorenzana
RomanK Photography: Slice of Beauty
RomanK Photography: It takes a long time to become young - Pablo Picasso
RomanK Photography: In honor of Earth Day. Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed ― Mahatma Gandhi
RomanK Photography: Alien Planet
RomanK Photography: I will swim again one day
RomanK Photography: Can you believe its Brooklyn
RomanK Photography: the road may be tough but what awaits is worth it
RomanK Photography: It can't rain all the time
RomanK Photography: A Path to Happiness
RomanK Photography: I walk a lonely road
RomanK Photography: Forgotten Paradise
RomanK Photography: On our Way
RomanK Photography: Good Morning Sun, Good Morning