Lost in the Hills:
Black Capped Chicadee
Lost in the Hills:
Grasshopper Surprise
Lost in the Hills:
Cedar Waxwing Solo
Lost in the Hills:
Cedar Waxwing Trio
Lost in the Hills:
Swan and Cygnets
Lost in the Hills:
Papa Swan
Lost in the Hills:
Lost in the Hills:
Rising Park Mallard II
Lost in the Hills:
Dinner is Served
Lost in the Hills:
Lost in the Hills:
Lost in the Hills:
Just Hanging Around for Lunch
Lost in the Hills:
Ice Swans
Lost in the Hills:
Ice Swans II
Lost in the Hills:
Heron on Ice
Lost in the Hills:
Odd Couple II
Lost in the Hills:
Odd Couple
Lost in the Hills:
Thanks for Breakfast
Lost in the Hills:
Redwinged Blackbird
Lost in the Hills:
Lost in the Hills:
Sam's Red Belly
Lost in the Hills:
Feathering Her Nest
Lost in the Hills:
Stepping Out
Lost in the Hills:
Seven Swans a Hatching
Lost in the Hills:
First Time Out
Lost in the Hills:
First Time Out - Getting Ready
Lost in the Hills:
Dinner Time
Lost in the Hills:
Lost in the Hills:
Nap Time
Lost in the Hills:
Lineup II