rollurdice: Untitled
rollurdice: Fri : 13 : 2009
rollurdice: Nature's first green is gold, / Her hardest hue to hold. / Her early leaf's a flower, / But only so an hour. / Then leaf subsides to leaf, / So Eden sank to grief. / So dawn goes down to day, / Nothing gold can stay.
rollurdice: I'm investigating things that begin with the letter M.
rollurdice: Dont go, Please stay
rollurdice: Beauty in things lies in the mind which Contemplates them
rollurdice: Precious
rollurdice: There are about 24,000 species of butterflies
rollurdice: I, I see you fade, away
rollurdice: Contradiction
rollurdice: Daisy in the snow
rollurdice: ///////////
rollurdice: Life is too short to stuff a mushroom
rollurdice: This is whatever sign you need it to be. Good luck.
rollurdice: The concept of war is : outdated
rollurdice: this is how much i love you
rollurdice: Blue Morpho
rollurdice: Do not fear strangers, Let them be angels in disguise