Rolf Andreas: Home from school
Rolf Andreas: Helleneset sunset
Rolf Andreas: Sailboat in mist
Rolf Andreas: Blue Sky
Rolf Andreas: Bergen with some heavy clouds
Rolf Andreas: Jumper
Rolf Andreas: Helleneset Winter
Rolf Andreas: Urban Rider
Rolf Andreas: Sunset in Bergen
Rolf Andreas: Naked Tree
Rolf Andreas: My House
Rolf Andreas: Sunset in Bergen
Rolf Andreas: Three trees
Rolf Andreas: Curling
Rolf Andreas: Matilde
Rolf Andreas: View from the livingroom
Rolf Andreas: Darkness
Rolf Andreas: Gods light
Rolf Andreas: Sandviken
Rolf Andreas: Sunset ice
Rolf Andreas: The ice is not safe
Rolf Andreas: The ice is not safe
Rolf Andreas: Sandvikspilen with 6 F-16
Rolf Andreas: Blue sky
Rolf Andreas: Lonley together
Rolf Andreas: Loneley together
Rolf Andreas: Nordhordalandsbrua