Roland Poland: El Camino Indiana
Roland Poland: Hasty, Colorado
Roland Poland: Plainview, Nebraska
Roland Poland: Find Loads Fast
Roland Poland: Geneva Human
Roland Poland: All American, Disgruntled
Roland Poland: Out on Highway 61
Roland Poland: In the Tropics of Kansas
Roland Poland: Lunching Nuns
Roland Poland: Saucy, Laced with White Picket Fence
Roland Poland: I don't know. Maybe leasing would be the way to go here.
Roland Poland: My Sit-Out at the NMC: Day One. September 4, 2005
Roland Poland: A Close J'accuse out on Highway 24
Roland Poland: The Golden Age of Barn Cropping
Roland Poland: Big Flag in the Morning
Roland Poland: Little Fendrich and the Judge
Roland Poland: Nightmare on Lemming Street
Roland Poland: Nolens volens
Roland Poland: Post Office / Army-Navy
Roland Poland: Laidlaw
Roland Poland: Nolan on the Gonx
Roland Poland: Best way I know to test a chair
Roland Poland: Eddie returned with fresh immuring supplies.
Roland Poland: Priest's Farm, Idaho. First surveyed in the italic style by means of a slow-burning "Travellers' Transit Theodolite," designed by L.P. Casella (1812-1897).