rolandin: You could smell the magic. November 4th 2008
rolandin: Even the lions were smiling...
rolandin: The angel of democracy will prevail
rolandin: His name was everywhere
rolandin: We stand for change
rolandin: Even the Anarchists celebrated... kinda!
rolandin: Soccer Moms were there...
rolandin: His presence was everywhere
rolandin: We waited
rolandin: ...waited
rolandin: ...waited
rolandin: and waited
rolandin: Then it happened....
rolandin: The maverick spoke
rolandin: We the people sang the American National Anthem
rolandin: Then THAT ONE spoke
rolandin: ...and we listened
rolandin: kept listening...
rolandin: and listening
rolandin: We chant Obama
rolandin: We sang Obama!
rolandin: We danced for America
rolandin: Obama
rolandin: We rested
rolandin: We left
rolandin: We emptied the park
rolandin: I went home - 1:32:40 Central Time Nov 5