Roland and Gerry: Roxy's Eye
Roland and Gerry: Magnusun Park (6 of 13)
Roland and Gerry: For the Love of the Ball
Roland and Gerry: Retrieving
Roland and Gerry: You might think it's Photoshop...
Roland and Gerry: Caught Poopin'
Roland and Gerry: Roxy and Pal
Roland and Gerry: Roxy at the Lake
Roland and Gerry: Jetskiing with Roxy
Roland and Gerry: Roxy on the Prowl
Roland and Gerry: Gerry and Roxy
Roland and Gerry: Roxy Keeping Watch
Roland and Gerry: Reflected Sunshine
Roland and Gerry: Watching the Sun
Roland and Gerry: Lending a Hand
Roland and Gerry: On the way to the Throwing Field
Roland and Gerry: Retrieving the Ball
Roland and Gerry: Magnusun Park (5 of 13)
Roland and Gerry: Magnusun Park (2 of 13)
Roland and Gerry: Magnusun Park (3 of 13)
Roland and Gerry: Magnusun Park (4 of 13)
Roland and Gerry: Magnusun Park (13 of 13)
Roland and Gerry: The Retrieve
Roland and Gerry: Going for the Jugular
Roland and Gerry: Hydration