ROI Community: Ambassador Daniel Gazit
ROI Community: Denise Dolva and Viviana Cibulis
ROI Community: Denise Dolva Sandra Sporn Joy Galam and Sandy
ROI Community: Denise Dolva
ROI Community: Dina Buchbinder Maxi Grass
ROI Community: DSC_0204
ROI Community: DSC_0205
ROI Community: DSC_0206
ROI Community: DSC_0207
ROI Community: DSC_0208
ROI Community: DSC_0209
ROI Community: DSC_0211
ROI Community: DSC_0215
ROI Community: DSC_0219
ROI Community: DSC_0221
ROI Community: DSC_0223
ROI Community: DSC_0224
ROI Community: DSC_0225
ROI Community: DSC_0226
ROI Community: DSC_0227
ROI Community: DSC_0228
ROI Community: DSC_0229
ROI Community: DSC_0230
ROI Community: DSC_0233
ROI Community: DSC_0235
ROI Community: DSC_0236
ROI Community: DSC_0239
ROI Community: DSC_0240
ROI Community: DSC_0242