rogets pics: toasty and farhez
rogets pics: me and bumble bee
rogets pics: vivian and beau
rogets pics: ninja turtle
rogets pics: jess and katie
rogets pics: tosti?
rogets pics: "Rice" and sake
rogets pics: some girls we picked up at the bar
rogets pics: are these guys flexing
rogets pics: SLO..san luis obispo.."gum alley"
rogets pics: i love you written in chewed gum..awww
rogets pics: spotlight on the ocean
rogets pics: somewhere on the road
rogets pics: somewhere along the Highway 1
rogets pics: i think this was in san simeon
rogets pics: Hearst Castle
rogets pics: William R Hearst National Park
rogets pics: dock at Hearst Park
rogets pics: Pebble Beach gate
rogets pics: just like on tv
rogets pics: shops walkway
rogets pics: putting green
rogets pics: Spanish Bay
rogets pics: nice par 3 on Spanish Bay
rogets pics: more Spanish Bay
rogets pics: you don't normally see this in golf
rogets pics: along the 17 mile drive
rogets pics: more 17 mile drive
rogets pics: Monterey coastline
rogets pics: more coastline