Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterbrough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterbrough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterbrough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: The Portico of Peterborough Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterbrough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterbrough Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterbrough Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterbrough Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterbrough Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterbrough Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: Peterborough Norman Cathedral
Roger GT: St John the Baptist Church Peterborough
Roger GT: Ely Cathedral
Roger GT: Ely Cathedral