Rogpow: Clay Dries, Leswidden China Clay Works, St. Just
Rogpow: Clay Dries, Leswidden China Clay Works, St. Just
Rogpow: Flying Arch Launder Support, Trevear China Stone Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Grinding Pan, Trevear China Stone Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Mill Building, Trevear China Stone Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Barn River, Tregargus
Rogpow: Tramway Bridge, Trevear Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Fireplace, Crib Hut, Tregargus
Rogpow: Mill Building, Trevear China Stone Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Miller's Cottage, Trevear China Stone Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Power Vault, Trevear China Stone Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Stone Built Grinding Pan, Trevear China Stone Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Waterwheel Pit and Flying Arch Launder Support, Trevear China Stone Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Pan Kiln and Miller's Cottage, Trevear China Stone Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Flying Arch Launder Support, Trevear China Stone Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Pan Kiln and Mill, Trevear China Stone Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Brick built Grinding Pans, Trevear China Stone Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Wheal Alfred China Stone Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Linhay and Dry, Wheal Alfred, Tregargus
Rogpow: Wheal Alfred China Stone Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Waterwheel, Wheal Alfred China Stone Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Waterwheel Axle, Wheal Alfred China Stone Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Bridge and Launder, Big Wheel Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Eastern side of Big Wheel Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Water Wheel and Launder, Big Wheel Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Southern end of Big Wheel Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Northern end of Big Wheel Mill, Tregargus
Rogpow: Mica Drags, Tregargus Valley
Rogpow: Mica Drags, Tregargus Valley
Rogpow: Mica Drags, Tregargus Valley