Roger W:
老英格蘭莊園的餐廳一角-南投縣仁愛鄉清境 ("The Old England" Boutique Hotel, Qing-jing, Nantou County, Taiwan)
Roger W:
台中市-日據時代演武場1 (Old training hall for penitentiary guards in Japanese colonial period, Taichung City, Taiwan)
Roger W:
台中市-日據時代演武場2 (Old training hall for penitentiary guards in Japanese colonial period, Taichung City, Taiwan)
Roger W:
台中市-日據時代演武場3 (Old training hall for penitentiary guards in Japanese colonial period, Taichung City, Taiwan)
Roger W:
清境農場-青青草原3 奔竄的綿羊群(Sheep stampede at the pasture of Qing-jing Farm, Nantou County, Taiwan)
Roger W:
旗山舊糖鐵車站-高雄縣旗山鎮(Old Japanese sugar refinery railway station, Chishan, Kaohsiung County, Taiwan)