arts by Rogério:
myself with one of my paintings
arts by Rogério:
sobral de são miguel - night
arts by Rogério:
sobral de são miguel - snow
arts by Rogério:
Belle nude with stockings - model and drawing
arts by Rogério:
Belle nude with stockings - model and drawing
arts by Rogério:
the model and the artwork
arts by Rogério:
códis antónio machado retrato a carvao A2 2012 PICT0240
arts by Rogério:
códis antónio machado retrato a carvao A2 2012 HPIM2849-001
arts by Rogério:
with Diana and her portrait DSCF6683-003
arts by Rogério:
with Angelina and her portrait DSCF6679-001
arts by Rogério:
retrato de familia em oleo DSC09928
arts by Rogério:
with miquelina conceicao silva retrato de familia DSC09920
arts by Rogério:
Cláudia and our nephew with the angels DSC08940-001
arts by Rogério:
Lia with her portrait
arts by Rogério:
myself with Isabel and Vitor portraits DSC08642
arts by Rogério:
family portrait framed, client photo
arts by Rogério:
young man portrait - photo with client
arts by Rogério:
framed oil portrait
arts by Rogério:
Lisa artistic nude at beach, framed artwork
arts by Rogério:
Cláudia with her painting
arts by Rogério:
wife with recent painting