ROGERBEE.: Common Shelduck at WWT Martin Mere, Lancashire, taken on 23rd March 2013
ROGERBEE.: Shoveller, Martin Mere WWT
ROGERBEE.: Red-crested Pochard, London Wetland Centre, Barnes, London
ROGERBEE.: Red-crested Pochard(male) at WWT Martin Mere, Lancashire, March 2013
ROGERBEE.: Red-crested pochard, WWT Barnes, London
ROGERBEE.: Tufted Ducks, the Town Pond, Reykjavik, Iceland
ROGERBEE.: Ferruginous duck, WWT Barnes, London
ROGERBEE.: Ringed teal, WWT Barnes, London
ROGERBEE.: RS_2017-09-05_5846
ROGERBEE.: Blue-billed Duck, London WWT, Barnes
ROGERBEE.: Eider Duck(drake?) at WWT Martin Mere, Lancashire, March 2013
ROGERBEE.: Male eider duck, WWT Barnes, London
ROGERBEE.: Patagonian teal, WWT Barnes, London
ROGERBEE.: White-faced whistling duck, WWT Barnes, London
ROGERBEE.: RS_2017-09-06_5894
ROGERBEE.: Egyptian goose, WWT Barnes
ROGERBEE.: Lesser whistling ducks, WWT Barnes
ROGERBEE.: Southern Screamer, WWT Barnes, London
ROGERBEE.: Little grebe at RSPB Rainham Marshes, Essex
ROGERBEE.: A pair of Little Grebes at their nest, Wildside, London WWT Wetland Centre, Barnes
ROGERBEE.: Little Grebe at WWT London Wetland Centre, Barnes, 5th March 2013
ROGERBEE.: Little grebe and young.No.1
ROGERBEE.: Little grebe, London WWT.No.2
ROGERBEE.: Great crested grebe, Leuven, Belgium.No32
ROGERBEE.: Great crested grebe, Leuven, Belgium.No.2
ROGERBEE.: Great Crested Grebes at Pendle View Lake, Whalley, Lancashire
ROGERBEE.: Juvenile great crested grebe, WWT Barnes, London
ROGERBEE.: Great crested grebe, Peterborough
ROGERBEE.: Juvenile great crested grebe, Battersea Park
ROGERBEE.: Little Egret, Southport RSPB