Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: House of the Menander: Shrine
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: Casa del Criptoportico: shrine
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: House of the Vettii (Lararium)
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: The House of the Vettii (Yellow Room)
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: House of the Vettii
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: House of the Vettii (Yellow Room)
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: House of the Vettii
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: House of the Vettii (Yellow Room)
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: House of the Silver Wedding: Corinthian Order
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: House of the Silver Wedding: Corner column and pilaster
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: House of the Silver Wedding: Stucco Decoration
Roger B. Ulrich: Parallel stereo view: House of M. Epidius Rufus
Roger B. Ulrich: Corinthian Atrium: House of M. Epidius Rufus (IX 1, 20)
Roger B. Ulrich: Opus Sectile from Pompeii (House of the Faun)
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: House of the Faun
Roger B. Ulrich: House of the Faun: Corinthian (or Corinthianizing) Pilaster
Roger B. Ulrich: House of the Faun: stuccoed column
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: House of the Faun
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: House of the Faun: lararium
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: House of the Faun, atrium
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: House of the Faun, Entrance
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: House of the Faun, axial view
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii House of Octavius Quartio
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: House of the Vettii
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: compluvium (Casa dell'Ara Massima)
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: Casa di Caecilius Iucundus (V 1, 23.25-27.10)
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: Casa di Caecilius Iucundus (V 1, 23.25-27.10)
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: Casa della Fontana Grande
Roger B. Ulrich: Pompeii: Casa della Fontana Grande
Roger B. Ulrich: Corinthian Atrium: House of M. Epidius Rufus (IX 1, 20)