chief1120: 20110101-PICT0169
chief1120: 20110101-PICT0183
chief1120: 20110101-PICT0179
chief1120: Hakeman_family-1965004
chief1120: The Hakeman family reunion in Waukee, IA c. 1976
chief1120: Hakeman Family002
chief1120: Hakeman Family001
chief1120: The Hakeman Family, July 25, 2015 at the Masonic Lodge in Tipton, IA. This photo was taken fifty years after the photo taken at the Cobblestone Ballroom in Storm Lake, IA. also shown in this album
chief1120: DSCF4926
chief1120: DSCF4931
chief1120: Hakeman Family003a
chief1120: Hakeman Family005a
chief1120: Hakeman Family006a
chief1120: Hakeman Family004a
chief1120: Hakeman Family007a