JNai: my baby
JNai: Mum, Munch, Abe, a Mudokon and a Meep. Big thanks to paint.NET
JNai: drunken pilot?
JNai: nature: arranged
JNai: nature: eroded
JNai: clinging to life
JNai: nature: corroded
JNai: winter green
JNai: not telling you where this is.
JNai: moss
JNai: moss
JNai: moth
JNai: sunset
JNai: bee licking honey
JNai: red spider, clearly :)
JNai: Thx to Canon, Microsoft, Squaresoft and paint.NET xox
JNai: macro zoom on tree stump. Honest, I have not altered this in any way.
JNai: grain
JNai: Whitby Abbey sans Fog. thx Eilleen & paint.NET
JNai: a statue?
JNai: lilac
JNai: Aqua mist
JNai: fungus
JNai: low tech in ruin
JNai: unnatural fibre
JNai: My first lightning foto
JNai: to kondinin
JNai: 6PM
JNai: reflecting on life
JNai: In suspension