Eibography: Snowball Fights (Explored)
Robin Geschonneck: Stranger #68
Elilena: The life is a paradise, we only do not want to admit it (Frontpage)
Cymaii: Catch the Blue Drop
Marser: stairway to graveyard (Adashino Nenbutu-ji temple, Kyoto)
Shutter wide shut: A strange path to the Pagoda
amylewis.lincs: Harvest mouse [Explored]
Marcello Di Francesco: testing double exposure.
Misael Lacasta: ..se ha perdido esta bella locura..
jensvins: Cloudy & Quiet
Joel Tjintjelaar: Tunnel Vision
Theen ...: High Five! Yay! ~ Explored #20
syncros: Killbear Pine
affinity579: "Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow but a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day." ~ Indian Proverb
DP|Photography: Tribute in Light 2011: The Tenth Anniversary of 9/11
pimontes: Uvas
Shelley-Victoria: Too much cuteness!
John Finnan: Sundays Finale ........ Explored
TheFella: La Fontana dell'Immacolatella
TheFella: Thameside
TheFella: Oberbaum Bridge
TheFella: Battersea Power Station
TheFella: Piccadilly Arcade
TheFella: Angels Don't Need Bridges
TheFella: I See Many Lights
TheFella: Leadenhall Market
ChristopherLeeHewitt: Dahlia Taking In Some Sun
(Erik): Abandoned Sacracy