Photos by Rodney: PussPuss Cross Legged
Photos by Rodney: Puss fang
Photos by Rodney: Puss Puss
Photos by Rodney: Puss Puss
Photos by Rodney: PussPuss by Morning light
Photos by Rodney: PussPuss Foot Licker
Photos by Rodney: Puss Puss in Bed
Photos by Rodney: JunglePussPuss
Photos by Rodney: Sleep A Bye Puss Puss
Photos by Rodney: Puss and PatchesTogether
Photos by Rodney: PussPuss for Lisa
Photos by Rodney: PussPuss on 090909
Photos by Rodney: PussPuss on the12-11-09
Photos by Rodney: Golden Eyes
Photos by Rodney: Mojo So Cute
Photos by Rodney: Shadows of Mojo