rodtuk: 20170718-DSC02830 Canadian Geese Compton Verney Warwickshire
rodtuk: 20170718-DSC02817 Greylag Geese Compton Verney Warwickshire
rodtuk: 20170718-DSC02779-Edit Compton Verney Warwickshire
rodtuk: 20170718-DSC02779 Compton Verney Warwickshire
rodtuk: 20170718-DSC02778-Edit Compton Verney Warwickshire
rodtuk: 20160912-IMG_8509 Shag In Flight Between Peninnis Head and Old Town St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160912-IMG_8505 Shag In Flight Between Peninnis Head and Old Town St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160912-IMG_8503 Shag In Flight Between Peninnis Head and Old Town St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160912-IMG_8502 Shag In Flight Between Peninnis Head and Old Town St Marys Scillies.jpg
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rodtuk: 20160910-IMG_8309 Sunset Garrison St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160909-IMG_8163 Field Bindweed - Convolvulus arvensis Nature Reserve Porth Hellick St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160909-IMG_8160 Purple Loosestrife Flower Boardwalk Boardwalk Nature Reserve Porth Hellick St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160909-IMG_8158 Greenshank Nature Reserve Pool Porth Hellick St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160909-IMG_8156 Greenshank Nature Reserve Pool Porth Hellick St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160909-IMG_8125 Swallow Drinking Nature Reserve Pool Porth Hellick St Marys Scillies.jpg
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rodtuk: 20160909-IMG_8123 Greenshank Nature Reserve Pool Porth Hellick St Marys Scillies.jpg
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rodtuk: 20160909-IMG_8109 Cliff Swallow Nature Reserve Pool Porth Hellick St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160909-IMG_8081 Sedge Warbler Nature Reserve Pool Porth Hellick St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160909-IMG_8079 Sedge Warbler Nature Reserve Pool Porth Hellick St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160909-IMG_8078 Sedge Warbler Nature Reserve Pool Porth Hellick St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160909-IMG_8069 Lesser Yellowlegs Nature Reserve Pool Porth Hellick St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160909-IMG_8063 Lesser Yellowlegs Nature Reserve Pool Porth Hellick St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160909-IMG_8047 Lesser Yellowlegs Nature Reserve Pool Porth Hellick St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160909-IMG_8046 Lesser Yellowlegs Nature Reserve Pool Porth Hellick St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160909-IMG_8043 Lesser Yellowlegs Nature Reserve Pool Porth Hellick St Marys Scillies.jpg
rodtuk: 20160909-IMG_8038 Lesser Yellowlegs Nature Reserve Pool Porth Hellick St Marys Scillies.jpg