Roddy's Fake Fotography: Annie Sakamoto
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Annie Sakamoto
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Dylan smelling fingers
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Alessandra Pichelli cheering on
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Sean ready to Judge
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Judging the hspu
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Dylan looking sleepy
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Khalipa Front Squats
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Maddex and Khalipa
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Fisher burpee over barbell
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Khalipa finishing event
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Fisher finishing event
Roddy's Fake Fotography: @rogotiz visiting norcal #teamfunning
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Alvin drinking 2 cups of pepsi?
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Long and his friend