Roddy's Fake Fotography: Setting up bright and early
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Fixing his underwear
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Photogenic Sam
Roddy's Fake Fotography: what's everyone looking at
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Despicable Three scheming...
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Annie Vu for 2 scheming...
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Andrew robbing the staff
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Pre-wod moisturizing ritual
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Marianne and her awesome home made costumes for WeeMeVu
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Shawna hitting full depth
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Katie Squat snatch
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Special guest appearance by Warren G.
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Annie Vu for 2
Roddy's Fake Fotography: Despicable Three