roddh: Family Portrait - August 2001
roddh: 021_18A
roddh: Portrait on Long Beach Island
roddh: 022_19A_Contrast
roddh: DSC00001: My first photo with Sony F707
roddh: DSC00006
roddh: DSC00007
roddh: Pool below a small waterfall
roddh: DSC00057
roddh: DSC00055
roddh: DSC00089
roddh: Sisters
roddh: Sisters
roddh: Sisters
roddh: Sisters
roddh: Shell collection on a white surfboard
roddh: DSC00843
roddh: Fall colors reflecting in pond
roddh: DSC00905
roddh: Self Portrait
roddh: Jolly Christmas Snowman
roddh: Frost on the window of my grandparents house
roddh: IMG_0510
roddh: Rust
roddh: IMG_0793
roddh: A Function of Ice