rockymountainroz: THE PHOTOSHOOT 1
rockymountainroz: sun, wind and girls in new faerymade dresses 2
rockymountainroz: don't be giving us that uneasy camera angle! everything here is just fine! 3
rockymountainroz: goldie seems a little on edge today! 4
rockymountainroz: isn't there a halo surrounding me? 5
rockymountainroz: i'm pretty sure that's a halo...not a spotlight! 6
rockymountainroz: who, me? i am just minding my own business! 7
rockymountainroz: something is just not right today! 8
rockymountainroz: oh, no! 9
rockymountainroz: goldie! is that the diva? is that a knife? 10
rockymountainroz: i'm not hiding anything! step away? why? 11
rockymountainroz: the diva, the knife, the yard, one red cocoboot! 12
rockymountainroz: i need to call my lawyer! 13
rockymountainroz: the fleeing goldie 14
rockymountainroz: you and whose army?