rockxcs: #French #Paris #TowerEiffel
rockxcs: 時間,真的過的好快;轉眼間,一年過去。曾經的後浪,已成為即將離開的前浪。如果我說,這道浪還沒成熟,還不夠強壯,還不能上岸,能否,再多留那麼一下? 那天,在最象徵QMUL的QB前,努力的把所有景象,裝進這方形的畫面。從陌生,到熟悉;從排斥,到喜歡。縱使時間被壓縮,但成長的腳步,卻一刻也不能怠慢。我拍了好久,始終沒有滿意的。此時的我懂了。原來,時間太短,而故事與回憶太滿... #QM #qmul #MileEnd #London #England #Britain #GB #UK
rockxcs: #London #underground #strike #limited #classical #retro #bus #UK #GB #England #Britain #MileEnd #QM #qmul
rockxcs: #Britain #UK #England #GB #London #Greenwich #park #sky #bench #cloud
rockxcs: 20150621-DSCF1151
rockxcs: DSCF3271-1
rockxcs: No colourants, aromas and any chemical additives. #dondurmadukkani #Turkey #Antalya #ice-cream #pumpkin #watermelon #melon
rockxcs: #T #letter #character #alphabet #grapheme #cloud #UK #Britain #GB #England #London #MileEnd
rockxcs: 光的影子;花的故事
rockxcs: Cross. 2 #cross #contrail #cloud #QM #qmul #London #England #Britain #UK #GB
rockxcs: #pork #cheek #香滷豬頰 #Chinese #Taiwanese
rockxcs: 28/4/15不知怎麼回事的各種雲 Kinds of clouds. #cloud #sky #blue #England #London #UK #GB #Britain #QM #qmul
rockxcs: #uniball #mitsubishi #pen #signo #dx #japan #stationery #um151 #blue #red #green
rockxcs: #prime #flower #flora #QM #qmul #London #England #Britain #UK #GB #spring
rockxcs: #kinship #close #intimate #rely #relier #relationship #parents #father and #son #child #children #kids #grip #hold #grasp #hand #warm #London #England #Britain #UK #underground #londonundeground
rockxcs: #Starbucks #coffee #cafe #rockxcs
rockxcs: DSCF9370
rockxcs: IMG_0077
rockxcs: DSCF0626-1-2
rockxcs: #mini4WD #racing #mini #4WD #TAMIYA #四驅車 #軌道車 #kumamon #熊本熊
rockxcs: 樸實毫不起眼的外表,驚豔的內在體驗 Top 10 on Plain looks but surprised experience. #VSONIC #GR07 #R07 #GR07MKII #R07MKII #inear #headphones #in-ear
rockxcs: Raining weekend Raining Sunday
rockxcs: Thirsty but not addicted. #cocacola #coke #coca #cola
rockxcs: #Paris #TowerEiffel #TourEiffel #EiffelTower #EiffelTour #French #France #Tower
rockxcs: #londonbus #bus #CamdenTown #London #England #Britain
rockxcs: Shaun the Sheep by the River Thames. #ShauntheSheep #RiverThames #London #England #Britain
rockxcs: Just like 決鬥擂台 #duel the #field of #honor #arena #qmul #London #Britain #England #QM