Rock The Bike:
Our One Bike / Two Speaker system was easily able to reach this crowd of 200. There were no power outages.
Rock The Bike:
Bill McKibben on the mic. "We may not win this struggle. We have gotten a late start in resisting Climate Change. But I so look forward to fighting alongside all of you."
Rock The Bike:
McKibben spent a good chunk of his speech in this pose. Half frustration, half telling-it-like-it-is. In a way his job is easy; the evidence is so strong. Today was the hottest May 2nd on record in SF!
Rock The Bike:
Avalos celebrating the board of supervisors recent unanimous recommendation to divest half a billion dollars of fossil fuel dollars in SF pension funds.
Rock The Bike:
Ashlyn calling out recent success in her student campaign to divest USF. Over a thousand signatures submitted out of 6000 students.
Rock The Bike:
Power to the Planet.
Rock The Bike:
"We are unstoppable, another world is possible!"
Rock The Bike:
Dierdre of Bay Area leading a chant after the rally.
Rock The Bike:
A One Bike / Two Speaker system was transported on two Yuba cargo bikes. The blue bike being towed is the Electric Fender Blender Pro, the generator we used.