Rock The Bike: Nice costume! Poor seat height though... Crew, please remember to improve the seat height for every pedaler!
Rock The Bike: Kids love powering things. Unfortunately these girls were a bit too small to reach the pedals.
Rock The Bike: Mark breaking down the stage. Roadie serve two functions: they get the gear safely to the event, then set up the Pedal Powered Stage. During moments of need, they jump on the bikes and crank out needed wattage.
Rock The Bike: This is how much gaffer's tape we used at Winterfest
Rock The Bike: It really helps when the elevator is 10 feet deep.
Rock The Bike: Bike Train! Ariel getting ready to tow three Electric Fender Blender Pros to the MIssion on late night gear return.
Rock The Bike: Trip hazard averted.
Rock The Bike: A Pedal Power Coach helps people on and off the bikes safely.
Rock The Bike: Amidst a sea of marathoners and fans, Gabe pulled in a few fish for our Pedal Powered Stage.