Rock The Bike:
Seniors celebrating.
Rock The Bike:
Seniors pedaling Fish to power lighting, mild solo freak.
Rock The Bike:
More bikes than riders.
Rock The Bike:
Approaching Market on midnight gear return cruise.
Rock The Bike:
Adam hauling the speaker and 'long things bundle'. I wish we'd brought two but the other one's out of service on a top secret human power project.
Rock The Bike:
Masha towing her fast bike.
Rock The Bike:
Gear return mission enters wiggle.
Rock The Bike:
Adam tried surfing this rig and was able to get up for a few seconds at a time.
Rock The Bike:
Leaving the school.
Rock The Bike:
Rock The Bike:
Rock The Bike has left the building.
Rock The Bike:
Seniors gogo dancing on Mundo 1000.
Rock The Bike:
The theme of the dance was "Middle School Dance". Hence the shorts?
Rock The Bike:
Justin testing out the pedal power at the beginning of the night.