Rock The Bike:
Pedal Powering Stone Gossard of Pearl Jam
Rock The Bike:
Pedaling Fender Blender with generator attachment
Rock The Bike:
Craig sending it OUT on the Jembe
Rock The Bike:
I towed the Fender Blender behind the Choprical Fish
Rock The Bike:
Mafiosa Felice on the Pedal Power
Rock The Bike:
Maddie rockin' out
Rock The Bike:
Pedal Power in the Sunshine at the Eco Village stage at Harmony Festival
Rock The Bike:
Matthew clapping
Rock The Bike:
Love this school. Cool kids, teachers. Great spirit.
Rock The Bike:
Garfield rapping through pedal power.
Rock The Bike:
Then we decided to hit a pep rally at the Environmental Charter High School.
Rock The Bike:
Students checking out the Human Power party bike
Rock The Bike:
Pedal powering vocals during Taiko drumming at the Sustainable Living Roadshow kickoff
Rock The Bike:
The new human power kickstand for the Mundo performed flawlessly
Rock The Bike:
Gabe rolling with no seat lately, not stolen.
Rock The Bike:
Gabe biguping the Bicycle Music Festival
Rock The Bike:
Took our new JBL in for repair (crackly sound).
Rock The Bike:
Trucks can back right in.
Rock The Bike:
Jamie at JK Sound shows us a small equalizer
Rock The Bike:
Aufdencamp and I woke up at 6:30 and biked 8 miles to the FUF tree planting in time
Rock The Bike:
Chris Tom hauling the Fender Blender Pro
Rock The Bike:
Mundo carrying human power gear on BART platform
Rock The Bike:
Kai hauling the dance floor, speaker stand.
Rock The Bike:
Gabe and Chris Tom hauling gear.
Rock The Bike:
Chris Tom hauled the speaker on the electric Mundo
Rock The Bike:
Chef takes a turn on electric Mundo
Rock The Bike:
Strap and PVC demo of Lunar Lander.
Rock The Bike:
Newsom toasts the Earth Hour event.
Rock The Bike:
Came up with a footrest system. Rear swingarm extended.
Rock The Bike:
Jonathan Youtt singing "We're farming" to the tune of "We're Jamming" at Esperanza community garden opening.