RockonCali: Erik Chandler and Chris Burney of Bowling for Soup before the show
RockonCali: Jaret Reddick of Bowling for Soup contemplating tasty beverages
RockonCali: Chris Burney of Bowling for Soup (I know the red-eye is bad but that's even with correcting, this new camara is RED EYE CITY!)
RockonCali: Jarret of Bowling for Soup looking really focused
RockonCali: Jarret of Bowling for Soup (this was really cool because he was standing up on the speakers and leaning out over the crowd)
RockonCali: Chris of Bowling for Soup (he has a couple tattoos)
RockonCali: Jarret of Bowling for Soup singing with the lone star guitar
RockonCali: Erik of Bowling for Soup with Tux Guitar
RockonCali: Gary Wiseman of Bowling for Soup (I know this is a lame picture but this was the best shot out of ALL the pictures of him I got off)
RockonCali: Chris of Bowling for Soup Sleeve of Cartoons
RockonCali: Chris of Bowling for Soup full shot
RockonCali: Chris of Bowling for Soup full shot looking down
RockonCali: Erik of Bowling for Soup open mouth'ed rockin!
RockonCali: Jarret of Bowling for Soup (close)
RockonCali: Chris of Bowling for Soup full shot low glare on the guitar
RockonCali: Erik of Bowling for Soup singing (sorry about the dust on the camara, i should start bringing a wipe)
RockonCali: Jarret of Bowling for Soup good upper body shot
RockonCali: Jes and Me with Mike Nadar of Melee after the show
RockonCali: Jes and Me with Chris Cron of Melee after the show (they did such an awesome job!)
RockonCali: Jessi and Me with Jarret Reddick of Bowling for Soup after the show, they rocked!
RockonCali: Jessi and Me with Erik of Bowling for Soup after the show
RockonCali: BFS 06-20-07 Petaluma 01
RockonCali: BFS 06-20-07 Petaluma 02
RockonCali: BFS 06-20-07 Petaluma 03
RockonCali: BFS 06-20-07 Petaluma 04
RockonCali: BFS 06-20-07 Petaluma 05
RockonCali: BFS 06-20-07 Petaluma 06
RockonCali: BFS 06-20-07 Petaluma 07
RockonCali: BFS 06-20-07 Petaluma 08
RockonCali: BFS 06-20-07 Petaluma 09