RockledgeGardens: securing the ground cloth
RockledgeGardens: the rods for the towers
RockledgeGardens: tower assembly
RockledgeGardens: stacking the pots
RockledgeGardens: installing the irrigation
RockledgeGardens: installing the hoop house
RockledgeGardens: the first hoop house
RockledgeGardens: onions for ground pots
RockledgeGardens: perlite and coco fiber mix
RockledgeGardens: filling the towers
RockledgeGardens: hyrdoponic towers
RockledgeGardens: butterfly garden
RockledgeGardens: herb garden
RockledgeGardens: snapdragons
RockledgeGardens: dracaena and ornamental cabbage display
RockledgeGardens: wedding garden container display
RockledgeGardens: ornamental cabbage
RockledgeGardens: lettuce starts
RockledgeGardens: margarite daisy
RockledgeGardens: edible garden
RockledgeGardens: apples in edible garden
RockledgeGardens: hong kong orchid trees
RockledgeGardens: agave plant
RockledgeGardens: pansy hanging basket
RockledgeGardens: treasures and farm 01-10-12 036
RockledgeGardens: treasures and farm 01-10-12 038
RockledgeGardens: cymbidium orchid
RockledgeGardens: bromeliads
RockledgeGardens: dracaenas