ROCKINRODDY93: United Nations Peacekeeping Truck Utility 1/4 ton 4x4M38 A1 CDN 2 1967-1987 with 1/4 ton trailer (Richmond BC)
ROCKINRODDY93: 39 Service Battalion Truck Wrecker 5 ton 6x6IHC M62,1953-1992
ROCKINRODDY93: 39 Service Battalion Truck Wrecker 5 ton 6x6IHC M62,1953-1992
ROCKINRODDY93: 39 Service Battalion Cargo Truck 2 1/2 ton 6x6GMC M135 CDN 1951-1983
ROCKINRODDY93: 39 Service Battalion Cargo Truck 2 1/2 ton 6x6GMC M135 CDN 1951-1983 (Richmond BC)
ROCKINRODDY93: United Nations Peacekeeping Truck Utility 1/4 ton 4x4M38 A1 CDN 2 1967-1987 with 1/4 ton trailer (Richmond BC)
ROCKINRODDY93: 39 Service Battalion (Richmond)