ROCKINRODDY93: Canadian Sexton Self Propelled 25 pound gun
ROCKINRODDY93: Sexton Self Propelled 25 pound gun
ROCKINRODDY93: Bailey Bridge with a M32B1 Sherman Tank TRV (Tank Recovery Vehicle)
ROCKINRODDY93: M32B1 Sherman Tank TRV (Tank Recovery Vehicle) on a Bailey Bridge
ROCKINRODDY93: The Sexton Self Propelled 25 Pound Gun
ROCKINRODDY93: M10 Tank Destroyer
ROCKINRODDY93: M10 Tank Destroyer
ROCKINRODDY93: The Garden of the Missing @ The Normandy American Cemetery
ROCKINRODDY93: The Garden of the Missing @ The Normandy American Cemetery
ROCKINRODDY93: The Garden of the Missing @ The Normandy American Cemetery