Nadine Le Goff: Winter's end
Nadine Le Goff: Fall Colours - Couleurs d'automne
Nadine Le Goff: Misty path - Chemin de brume
Nadine Le Goff: Magiques Monts d'Arrée
Nadine Le Goff: Transparence
Nadine Le Goff: Chemin de brume - Misty path
Nadine Le Goff: Le pont de Ténénez, comme à travers les nuages
Nadine Le Goff: Le pont de Térénez sous une légère brume
Nadine Le Goff: Forêt de Saint-Cadou
miss.interpretations: Autumn Ensemble
miss.interpretations: The Promise of a Tomorrow
miss.interpretations: November Plans;)
miss.interpretations: The Promise of a Return
miss.interpretations: Baby, it's cold outside!
miss.interpretations: Happy December!
miss.interpretations: The person I know best...
miss.interpretations: Nights of Magic
miss.interpretations: Happy Winter Solstice!
Dave Hoefler: Origins Half Spiral
Alexander Burkhardt: Pilze im Frühjahr
4myrrh1: Classics -- F4U and P51
golden fan: Rainy Days
Tibor Nagy: Phidippus audax bold jumping spider