IonCats: St-avg-500.0s-NR-x_1.0_LZ3-NS-full-eq-add-sc_BWMV_nor-AAD-RL-noMBB-cbg-St.jpg
IonCats: IMG_2752.jpg
IonCats: M31.jpg
IonCats: The Milky Way taken from the Village Inn during the international dark skies festival.
IonCats: The Milky Way
IonCats: RHO test 3.jpg
IonCats: The Milky Way
IonCats: M31 otherwise known as the Andromeda Galaxy
IonCats: Triangulum_Galaxy_1hr_integration._08312029.jpg
IonCats: Trifid Nebula
IonCats: Pleides_4_minutes_08312019.jpg
IonCats: MV3A2681-Pano.jpg
IonCats: M31_andromeda_integration-Edit-Edit.jpg
IonCats: The Milky Way from Blue Canyon, California
IonCats: Trifid_10min_08312010.jpg
IonCats: Feb 10, 2019 Moon
IonCats: Lunar Eclipse 2019
IonCats: Cigar_Bode
IonCats: MV3A3281.jpg
IonCats: MV3A3270-Edit.jpg
IonCats: A closer (cropped) view of the Orion Nebula.
IonCats: MV3A3245.jpg
IonCats: Orion
IonCats: Full Moon over California.
IonCats: My imaging setup!
IonCats: St-avg-540.0s-NR-x_1.0_LZ3-NS-full-SNR-add-sc_BWMV_nor-AAD-RE-noMBB-St.jpg
IonCats: The Constellation Orion.
IonCats: The Orion Nebula
IonCats: The Orion Nebula
IonCats: Andromeda_Pix.jpg