rocketlass: levi watching the pacific
rocketlass: levi in the backyard
rocketlass: lindsey, happy to arrive at the house
rocketlass: bears enjoying the view
rocketlass: yellow hibiscus
rocketlass: late afternoon view
rocketlass: sunset view
rocketlass: looking up from the hammock
rocketlass: mom making portugese sausage
rocketlass: front yard pond
rocketlass: mom giving directions
rocketlass: on the drive to lahaina
rocketlass: also on the drive to lahaina
rocketlass: aloha'oe
rocketlass: levi and a new friend
rocketlass: birds enjoying a hut
rocketlass: coconuts, I think
rocketlass: tiki dude
rocketlass: julie at kimo's
rocketlass: mom at kimo's
rocketlass: dad at kimo's
rocketlass: lindsey and danny
rocketlass: lindsey and danny again
rocketlass: wrecked sailboat
rocketlass: dad, levi, and the banyan tree
rocketlass: banyan trunks
rocketlass: the banyan tree
rocketlass: levi and dad on the boat
rocketlass: maui from the water
rocketlass: the atlantis