rocketlass: Ainsley & Thumbsucker
rocketlass: Ainsley & Thumbsucker examine the flowers
rocketlass: Carson works on a paper frog
rocketlass: Ainsley's nest
rocketlass: Carson & Levi take on Patti & Jilly
rocketlass: Shopping Cart Monster
rocketlass: Patti & Tom pull out of the driveway
rocketlass: Patti & Tom taking off
rocketlass: GO SOX!
rocketlass: Moon over Lake Michigan
rocketlass: Levi gets ready to run 26.2 miles
rocketlass: Carson Pierce: Jack-o-lantern
rocketlass: Carson and Ainsley
rocketlass: Ainsley looking for breakfast
rocketlass: Heather & Carson
rocketlass: Carson tells my fortune
rocketlass: Ainsley and Patti
rocketlass: You will have a $100 bill
rocketlass: Carson, strong man
rocketlass: Patti & Ainsley
rocketlass: Carson takes Ainsley's photo
rocketlass: Ainsley's not so sure about this
rocketlass: Heather
rocketlass: Stacey
rocketlass: Ainsley: self portrait 1
rocketlass: Ainsley: self portrait 2
rocketlass: Glen
rocketlass: Heather
rocketlass: Patti & Tom run alongside Levi
rocketlass: Levi runs too fast for sharp focus