Rocket_Jaz: EMP - Critter, from Critters 2
Rocket_Jaz: EMP - Critter, from Critters 2
Rocket_Jaz: EMP - Jason mask from 2009 Friday the 13th, starring Derek Mears as Jason.
Rocket_Jaz: EMP - Jason mask and machete from 2009 Friday the 13th, starring Derek Mears as Jason.
Rocket_Jaz: EMP - Brundle Fly head from The Fly with Jeff Goldblum
Rocket_Jaz: EMP - Edward Scissorhands' scissorhands
Rocket_Jaz: EMP - Freddy Krueger's glove from Nightmare on Elm St. 5
Rocket_Jaz: EMP - Guillermo del Toro's journal from a film shoot
Rocket_Jaz: Note the Key Films.
Rocket_Jaz: Emp - Avatar Pandoran plant life
Rocket_Jaz: Emp - Avatar Pandoran plant life
Rocket_Jaz: EMP - Avatar Mech
Rocket_Jaz: EMP - Avatar Mech
Rocket_Jaz: EMP - Blade Runner