rocketeer125: Hippos yawning in St.Lucia wetlands
rocketeer125: Beach fire in St.Lucia
rocketeer125: Crocodiles in the water
rocketeer125: Yum Yum!
rocketeer125: An old terapin
rocketeer125: Zulu dancing
rocketeer125: Zulu dancing
rocketeer125: Tom joins the Zulu dance
rocketeer125: Village Toilet
rocketeer125: Zulu township
rocketeer125: Dinner with the artists
rocketeer125: Tom drinking more corn beer
rocketeer125: Outside with the artists
rocketeer125: One of the artists at work
rocketeer125: The artists tools
rocketeer125: Eating bunnichow at Bibs backpackers
rocketeer125: kamakamakama camelion
rocketeer125: Just so that you know...
rocketeer125: Zebra in the St.Lucia wetlands