Kevin Gamble: Saddled up and ready to go
Kevin Gamble: Bike meets BruteStrength™
Kevin Gamble: The Factory arrives
Kevin Gamble: Blocking in the camp
Kevin Gamble: Dusty, Windy Sunday
Kevin Gamble: Fernanda is lost in the dust
Kevin Gamble: Our gift cups
Kevin Gamble: preparing the gift cups
Kevin Gamble: erecting the towers
Kevin Gamble: open for business!
Kevin Gamble: Aaron heckles
Kevin Gamble: first guest
Kevin Gamble: FunSize and Max
Kevin Gamble: Max and Mom
Kevin Gamble: Torsos
Kevin Gamble: painted helmets
Kevin Gamble: painted helmets drying
Kevin Gamble: heart star robot underway
Kevin Gamble: white robots
Kevin Gamble: excellent painting
Kevin Gamble: robo-dance testing
Kevin Gamble: pose for us
Kevin Gamble: robo helmet with bow
Kevin Gamble: robo bust a move
Kevin Gamble: geisha bot crew
Kevin Gamble: miso horny
Kevin Gamble: cat-bot and company
Kevin Gamble: cat-bot pose
Kevin Gamble: warbot breaks out the dance moves
Kevin Gamble: robot demands a beverage