Dave Schumaker: I think we're as packed and ready as we can be! Just a few more hours.
Dave Schumaker: The Pacific Ocean is too damn big.
Dave Schumaker: Good morning from Hong Kong.
Dave Schumaker: High above Hong Kong on Victoria Peak.
Dave Schumaker: Looking across Victoria Harbor.
Dave Schumaker: Chi Lin Nunnery
Dave Schumaker: Looking out over Hong Kong's awesome skyline! We went on quite a roundabout hike to find the perfect spot. Oh, man.
Dave Schumaker: Wat Chedi Luang
Dave Schumaker: Wat Chedi Luang
Dave Schumaker: Good morning from Chiang Mai.
Dave Schumaker: Meeting some tigers in Chiang Mai at Tiger Kingdom. They were pretty intimidating!
Dave Schumaker: Kerry makes a new friend
Dave Schumaker: This is Boy. A female who is 4 years old.
Dave Schumaker: Just hanging out.
Dave Schumaker: Hiking through some fields. The elephants are following us.
Dave Schumaker: Kerry feeds Boy
Dave Schumaker: This is almost an elephant selfie!
Dave Schumaker: Scratching
Dave Schumaker: Hiking with a herd
Dave Schumaker: Scenic views in Northern Thailand
Dave Schumaker: Our friends
Dave Schumaker: Heading into the mountains
Dave Schumaker: We finished our lunch and the elephants were excited to see us
Dave Schumaker: Hiking with the herd.
Dave Schumaker: Kerry makes a lot of friends!
Dave Schumaker: "You guys will never see me hiding here."
Dave Schumaker: Saying hello
Dave Schumaker: Walking along the river
Dave Schumaker: Fording the river
Dave Schumaker: A small family with 2 kids