Rock Water: Still Useful Too
Rock Water: Coils and Shards
Rock Water: In Memory Of
Rock Water: Water Tank and Weeds
Rock Water: Rust High Voltage
Rock Water: Rusted Pylons
Rock Water: Rust and Snow
Rock Water: Please Clean Sand
Rock Water: Found on the Ground
Rock Water: Sad Blossom
Rock Water: Rusted Blue
Rock Water: Found Sculpture
Rock Water: Rusty Spring
Rock Water: Shine On, You Crazy Moon
Rock Water: Sun on the Pond
Rock Water: Lily and the Rusted Thing
Rock Water: Recessed Handle
Rock Water: Folded and Rusted
Rock Water: Bolted
Rock Water: Come In
Rock Water: No Va
Rock Water: Pueblo Hotel
Rock Water: Rusted Milkweed
Rock Water: Ithaca Iced
Rock Water: Rusty Old Bridge
Rock Water: Pitted
Rock Water: Welcome
Rock Water: Infinity