Elaine-Joan: DSC07935
Elaine-Joan: DSC07982
Elaine-Joan: En route, we see our first deer ranch.
Elaine-Joan: IMG_9496
Elaine-Joan: DSC09555
Elaine-Joan: Birds, like this weka...
Elaine-Joan: There were turtles,
Elaine-Joan: IMG_3444
Elaine-Joan: and funny fish,
Elaine-Joan: IMG_3446
Elaine-Joan: But we also met the neighbors.
Elaine-Joan: IMG_3451
Elaine-Joan: IMG_3470
Elaine-Joan: IMG_3453
Elaine-Joan: IMG_3455
Elaine-Joan: IMG_3469
Elaine-Joan: DSC09651
Elaine-Joan: DSC09657
Elaine-Joan: DSC09658
Elaine-Joan: They're everywhere!
Elaine-Joan: DSC09668
Elaine-Joan: ... or going there ...
Elaine-Joan: DSC09673
Elaine-Joan: DSC09678
Elaine-Joan: Will he NEVER quit?
Elaine-Joan: and the seal colony that lives here.
Elaine-Joan: IMG_3567
Elaine-Joan: Singin' in the sunshine ...
Elaine-Joan: and birds high in the trees,
Elaine-Joan: some more visible than others, (petrels)