Elaine-Joan: Our last destination on the West Coast.
Elaine-Joan: The tide was out in the morning,
Elaine-Joan: and the seascape, on our way to reserve tomorrow's boat trip.
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Elaine-Joan: and low tide.
Elaine-Joan: This path to the road is the only way to cross the estuary.
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Elaine-Joan: Like a Kaiterteri cave at high tide
Elaine-Joan: but the boat ramp is still long enough!
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Elaine-Joan: as we returned to the harbor.
Elaine-Joan: New Zealand is to be discovered...
Elaine-Joan: with constant surprises
Elaine-Joan: as your perspective changes.
Elaine-Joan: to be explored up close.
Elaine-Joan: We saw seals on the rocks
Elaine-Joan: It didn't seem like we were heading for open waters!
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Elaine-Joan: The next morning, we headed off to Tasman National Park.
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Elaine-Joan: The views were spectacular.
Elaine-Joan: We were a little ahead of schedule, so the captain took a detour.
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Elaine-Joan: and some out in the open.
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Elaine-Joan: REALLY out in the open ...
Elaine-Joan: until they run out of land mass!