robynmichelle79: A tree grows in Brooklyn, er, Manhattan
robynmichelle79: The beloved Apple Store
robynmichelle79: Feet and stairs
robynmichelle79: Central Park Zoo
robynmichelle79: Central Park
robynmichelle79: Yet another squirrel
robynmichelle79: Colorful bark
robynmichelle79: Which is taller?
robynmichelle79: The action at Times Square
robynmichelle79: Kung Fu Panda, anyone?
robynmichelle79: Just one more picture, hon...
robynmichelle79: Corner of West 45 St and 7th Ave
robynmichelle79: Mile Pogeny
robynmichelle79: Jeanette
robynmichelle79: Welcome back to Times Square, Ben
robynmichelle79: Times Square in action
robynmichelle79: Observation Deck/NBC Studios
robynmichelle79: Radio City Music Hall
robynmichelle79: Minamoto Kitchoan, pt. 1
robynmichelle79: Minamoto Kitchoan, pt. 2
robynmichelle79: Minamoto Kitchoan, pt. 3
robynmichelle79: Ben meets the Met
robynmichelle79: Benjamin Altman, er, Alman
robynmichelle79: Head of an Attendant Bodhisattva
robynmichelle79: Panel in the Form of a Sarcophagus Door
robynmichelle79: Brush Holder with Tribute Scene (in Jade)
robynmichelle79: Water Vessel in the Shape of a Marriage Cup
robynmichelle79: Tray with "Pommel Scroll" Design